This topic is becoming something of an annual December tradition for the Open Adoption Bloggers! Last year we wrote about how open adoption intersects with our holiday traditions. Two years ago we wrote in general about open adoption and the holiday season.
This time we are going to focus in on one specific memory and record another small moment in the ongoing stories of adoption in our lives. Share a holiday memory that involves open adoption.
The Open Adoption Roundtable is a series of occasional writing prompts about open adoption. It's designed to showcase of the diversity of thought and experience in the open adoption community. You don't need to be listed at Open Adoption Bloggers to participate or even be in a traditional open adoption. If you're thinking about openness in adoption, you have a place at the table. The prompts are meant to be starting points--please feel free to adapt or expand on them.
Write a response at your blog--linking back here so your readers can browse other participating blogs--and share your post in the comments here. Using a previously published post is fine; I'd appreciate it if you'd add a link back to the roundtable. If you don't blog, you can always leave your thoughts directly in the comments.
Cindy (first mom) in comments shares how social media lets her witness her son's celebrations.
Amber (adoptive mom) @ Bumber's Bumblings writes about how meaningful it is to be included in one of her son's first family's annual traditions.
I Was Anne (adoptive mom) @ Tears of/and Joy recalls a poignant Christmas gift to her daughter from her first mom.
Cat (adoptive mom) @ Cat's Litterbox writes about making holiday gifts with her son for his birth families.
Debbie (adoptive and foster mom) @ Always and Forever Family talks about using Skype to open gifts "in person" and spending the holidays with her foster daughters' family.
Venessa (adoptive mom) @ A Journey of Love writes about picking out a gift for her daughter's first parents during this first year of the adoption.
Robyn (adoptive mom) @ The Chittister Family worries about the crises that hit her son's first family during this time of the year.
Racilous (first mom) @ Adoption in the City writes about her shifting thoughts about connecting her son with the holiday traditions from her childhood.
Amy (pre-adoptive parent) @ Jim and Amy Hoping to Adopt takes a moment to imagine what could be in future Christmases.
Momo Meg (adoptive mom) @ Momosapien recalls the bittersweetness of her first Christmas with her daughter, grappling with the emotional and physical distance from her first mom alongside her joy.
Jenna (first mom) @ The Chronicles of Munchkin Land looks back to the fear and hope of the first Christmas after placing her daughter.
Sonya (adoptive mom) @ The Dobbins Boys celebrates the mutual warmth and acceptance in the Christmas celebrations with her son's birth family.
Heather (adoptive mom) @ Production, Not Reproduction appreciates the comfort of familiar holiday rituals with her daughter's first mom.
Prabha (adoptive mom) @ Baby Steps to a Baby Dream reflects on the tiny shifts each year in her relationship with her daughters' first mom, dreaming of what could be in Christmases to come.
Tiffany (adoptive mom) @ Finding K shares how her new daughter's adoption represents hope and perseverance to her during this holiday season.
A Life Being Lived (first mom) @ Carrying a Cat by the Tail talks about the gift tradition she's started that will last throughout the years.
Gstf344 (adoptive mom) @ Heart Full of Love remembers a moment from her son's Christmas birth that is particularly special to her.
Am I the first commenter...hmm!
I don't have a blog, but I'm seriously considering restarting one, maybe, if I have the courage and I think it's a good idea.
Now, to answer the topic:
While I have never been personally involved in my placed sons holiday traditions, I have sort of witnessed them through a social media known as the book of faces (you know what I am talking about).
Through pictures shared on this media I have enjoyed learning things like my gifts ha arrived and I saw many very fun pictures.
It is for this reason that this type of media sharing is very important to me. Currently there has been a considerable lag in the way of sharing from my placed sons adoptive mom, and it always troubles me because I remember all the times that there was a great abundance of things to see and learn, and now, not so much.
Although, the first time I was send a picture of my son, by mail, it was a picture of him on Santas lap, at 10 months old. I still have that of course, and it is the ONLY picture of him on Santas lap that I have. The four others are professional pictures and family pictures that were sent by mail.
They do always do pictures at this time of year, my sons adoptive family, but then again, I get pictures from half a dozen cousins I haven't seen in years at Christmas too...
Here's mine --
We live in another state so we don't get to celebrate with family, but here's my post about what we do do!!
We live in another state so we don't get to celebrate with family, but here's my post about what we do do!!
I actually posted!!!
My first time posting here...thanks for allowing us to share!
Mine's kind of sad, but, here it is:
Mine is up, doesn't quite answer the prompt, but here it is...
I also took a little liberty with this prompt. Since we are a waiting family, I wrote about our wishes for "A Christmas Yet to Come."
Here is the link:
Not an easy one for me. So let's kick it back to the beginning, shall we?
Mine is up!
Mine is up here.
Thank you for doing this.
An especially merry Christmas
I forgot to comment with minde. Better late than never :-)
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