Adoption Bloggers Interview Project

Interview Day is here! Check out the 100+ interviews!

Welcome to the 2012 Adoption Bloggers Interview Project!

How does it work?

The Interview Project pairs up adoption bloggers for personal, individualized interviews. This will be the third time we've gathered together to share our stories and share our blogs. You can browse the 2010 interview pairs and the 2011 interview pairs to get an idea of the (amazing) end results.

The Interview Project is open to any individual blogger who
  1. writes at least occasionally about adoption,
  2. is interested in meeting a fellow writer with different views and experiences, and
  3. wants to welcome someone into their own online space.
Use the registration form (lower down on this page) to sign up by Thursday, October 18. You will be paired with another blogger and have about three weeks to acquaint yourself with their blog and exchange questions. Interview posts go up on Wednesday, November 14.

Pairing will be random, with a caveat. When you sign up, you'll have the chance to let me know about any special requests. For instance, maybe you're a first parent who wants to be paired with another first parent blogger. If the first blog that pops up randomly doesn't fit your criteria, I'll spin the virtual wheel until I can match you with a blog which does (as best I can).

Questions? Please feel free to email me.


(Registration is now closed.)


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2012 Participants:

Meghann of four wild blueberries (adoptive parenting, reform, adoptee rights)
Jenn of Insert Bad Movie Title Here (adult adoptee in reunion)
Natalie of Our Old Southern House (domestic adoptee, domestic adoptive parten)
Kelly of Monkey Soup (foster adopt, attempting to open adoption)
KatjaMichelle of Therapy Is Expensive (birth motherhood, open adoption, life)
Monika of Monika's Musings (birthmom, ethical open adoption)
Racilous of Adoption in the City (birth mom in open adoption)
Lisa of Open to Life (open and transracial adoption)
Susan Glavas of Susan & Mitch (hope to) adopt (life while waiting to adopt)
Natalie of Adopting the Spectrum (adoptive parenting, life, foster care)
Kim Wallis of kim and scott adopting (our life waiting for adoption)
Lia of Lia, not Juno (loving and functional open adoption)
Traathy of Happily Ever After (open adoption, new extended family)
I Was Anne of Tears of/and Joy (open adoption)
Amber of Bumber's Bumbling (open adoption and parenting)
Mommysquared of Our Journey to Parenthood and the Years That Follow (family living in open adoptions)
Stephanie of Garcias2Chile (missionary family life, transracial adoption)
Becky of Lessons from an Infertile Social Worker (adoptive mama, open adoptions)
Kathleen of Our Tree of Hope (adoption and life after)
Suz of Writing My Wrongs (life after surrendering to adoption)
LisaAnne of Living Through Today (birth parent grief)
Seriously?! of Seriously?! (Canadian Domestic Adoption After RPL)
Kelly Raudenbush of My Overthinking (Chinese adoption, blended bio/adoptive family)
Maggie Terryn of Pink Shoes (open adoption, raising adoption awareness)
Lori Lavender Luz of Write Mind Open Heart (defreakifying open adoption)
Jenny of Blessings & Raindrops (twin parenting and the adoption waiting phase)
Brittany of LovedBE (birthmom in open adoption)
Danielle Barnsley of Another Version of Mother (ethical adoption, birthmother, reproductive rights)
Brandi of Okkar Lif (military adoptive family life)
SleepyKnitter of 20stuff (adoptive parenting, daily struggles, joy)
Sarah of lollymixedbag (open adoption)
Andy of Today's the Day (life, family, food, adoption)
Kristin of Parenthood Path (infrequent posts on our open adoption and parenting)
Delana Stewart of Nine Year Pregnancy (International Adoption, Paper Pregnancy, Waiting)
Rebecca Hawkes of Love Is Not a Pie (being adopted; foster-adoptive parenting)
Callie of Crazy Beautiful Life (Christian Life, adoption)
Sarah of My Little Lantern (adoptive parenting, Taiwan, photos)
Tiffany Castleberry of Stuff and Things (international adoptive parenting, orphan care)
Robyn Chittister of The Chittister Family (adoptive parenting and life)
Elle of (w)rite here (honest blog about adoption)
Candice of Adoptingyou (older child adoptive parenting, life, homeschooling)
Melissa of The Cork Board
Amber D. of Ala Carte Baby (waiting AP, domestic, failed placement)
Rain Woman of Weathering Storms (transracial adoption, adoption #2)
Stephanie of Meandering Steph (Foster Adoption)
Christina Lang of The Lang Gang Loves (marriage, faith, family, foster adoption, attachment)
Julie of Some Difference (family, foster care, transracial adoptive parenting)
Abby of Akers of Love (domestic open adoption, faith, transracial)
Sharon Van Epps of Whatever Things Are True (international adoption news, politics, policy and parenting)
Ashley of More Than Dog Children (day to day life, adoption)
Momo of Momosapien (open, transracial, adoptive parenting, family)
April of R. Sativus (pursuing adoption, parenting after infidelity)
Kumar of Stuckout (personal adoptive experience and family)
Alissa of Not A Visitor (adoptive parenting, transracial family, anti-racism)
Megan of Earthstains (Adult adoptee. Reunion. Healing. Laughing.)
Linda Peterson of Raising 5 Kids with Disabilities and Remaining Sane (Successfully raising 4 adopted kids with severe mental health issues)
Bonnie of Give1Save1 Domestic (adoptive parenting, fundraising, adoption support
Mandy of Love Like Crazy (Adoption, Family, Infertlity)
Red of One More Day (adoption, parenting, life, grief, love)
AmFam of American Family (open international adoption, multiracial family)
Megan of TTA Baby (adoption journey)
Kierstin of Our Family Building Adventure (transracial, open adoption)
Denise of write-o-holic (first mother reunion issues, writing)
Alexia of Journey to Extend our Family (adoptive parent, open adoption, life)
Judy of Parenting Your Adopted Child (parent education/advocacy)
Ashley of Authentically Ashley (open adoption, parenting, simple living)
Jill of Adoption Ain't for Sissies (Open adoption parenting, infertilty)
Wendy of Our Story: A Blog About Open Adoption (open adoption and parenting)
Shannon LC Cate of Peter's Cross Station (Queer family, open, transracial adoption)
Jenny Hill of Waking Up Infertile (Infertility and adoption encouragement)
Linda Hoye of A Slice of Life Writing (adoptee grief, family, writing, gratitude)
Cat of Cat's Litterbox (adoption, parenthood, family)
A Life Being Lived of Carrying a Cat by the Tail (Birthmotherhood open adoption)
Lindsy Wallace of word from the wallaces (adoption, orphan care, Jesus)
Kristen Howerton of Rage Against the Minivan (adoptive parenting, race, transracial adoption, social justice, orphan advocacy)
Robyn of Afrik Advantage (International/interracial adoptions, mutlicultural families, race and identity)
Kelly of Suprisedbyhope (Transracial open adoption, foster adoption)
Mirah Riben of Family Preservation (Family Preservation NOT Adoption Separation)
Melinda of joeandmelindaadoptionquest (open adoption, adoptive parenting)
Meg of God Will Fill This Nest (open adoption and general parenting)
Laura Dennis of Laura Dennis - The Adaptable Expat Mommy (closed adoptions, parenting, memoir writing)
Erin of Connected Through Love (Navigating open adoption relationship)
Rebecca Miller of Scared to be happy, happy to be scared (Open letter to our future child)
Colleen Oakes of The Ranunculus Adventures (Life, Writing, Adoption, Family, Faith)
Adrianne of Finding a Family (adoption, openness, parenting, God)
Lynn of Open Hearts, Open Minds (motherhood, open adoption, bilingual parenting)
David of Seeking Fatherhood (2 dads foster to adopt)
Kenna Shumway of iWrite (Open adoption adoptive mom sterility)
Rebekah of Heart Cries (Open Domestic Adoption & Foster Care Adoption)
Lindsay of Fortunes Full (adoptive parenting, kids, open adoption)
susiebook of Endure for a Night (firstparent parenting, failing open adoption)
Shannon of One Inch of Grace (foster care adoption, city living)
Rachel of White Sugar, Brown Sugar (transracial,open, parenting, ethics)
Cathy Heslin of Reunioneyes (experience of long-term reunion)
I_am of Statistically Impossible (birthfather experience, sociological investigating adoption)
Tara Bradford of Smore Stories (Adoptee, Adoptive Parent, Orphan Advocate, Racial Identity)
Angela True of transracial adoption (issues adopting transracially)
Camille of Embracing the Odyssey (open adoption, transracial families)
Sarah Clevenger of The Adoption Project (Our journey through open adoption)
Amy Thomas of Jim and Amy Hoping to Adopt (Hopeful adoptive parents, our journey)
Kohana of Growing Family (adoption, parenting, foster care, expat)
Betty Anne Davidson of Betty Anne and Scott (being a birth parent)
Katelyn of Letters to You (open adoption, birthmother)
Tiffany of Raising Paityn (mom stuff, children, adoption)
Thorn of Mother Issues (adoptive parent, foster care, lesbian)
Julie Sweet of Idiot girl's life post adoption (Life minus my baby)
Lindsay Smith of On Loan From Heaven (adoptive parent, open adoption, infertility)
Rachel of The Great Wide Open (open adoption, birth mother, communication, travel)
Coley of Living the Bittersweet Life (birthmom open adoption for decade)
Janet of The Birth-Grandma Chonicles (Open adoption, birth mother's mom)
Cynthia of Restorative Grief for Birthmothers (Open adoption, birthparenting, special needs adoption)
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