I'm sad that The Chronicles of Munchkin Land and Paragraphein have gone dark. (They are personal blogs by two women who placed daughters in open adoptions.) I'm hoping it's just temporary and my sadness is an overreaction.
I don't know where else to say this, so I'll say it here. I want to thank Jenna and Nicole for their years of writing. They both wrote publicly about adoption in a unflinchingly honest way that made me be more honest with myself. My relationships with my kids' first parents are stronger because of them.
I don't know the stories behind the closings, but if it's because the meanness of the internet started to seep into their real lives, that bites. I hate it when the meanies win.
ETA (6/20): It's chapter two of The Chronicles! Yay!
Me too :(
I miss them too. Very much. I learned so much from them.
I am really sad too. And thank you for saying what I was thinking. I hope that they don't go away forever. (((((Jenna and Nicole))))
it looks like they both went password protected and this is probably why it does not feed automatically anymore. If you type their blog address, it does ask for a password.
Hi, Lolo! I hope I'm not spreading misinformation, but they've both said elsewhere that they're not writing at those sites anymore, at least for awhile, maybe for good. I think they password protected them instead of deleting them altogether, but I don't think they're allowing access.
I miss them too!
I'm sorry that two of your favorites have gone away, at least for awhile. That's a really big bummer. :(
I didn't have the pleasure of checking out these blogs, but they sound very interesting. I hope the meanies didn't win.
Lolo; I am not "password protected." It's a blip on the site because I used a graphic to say that I am closed. I can't figure it out, nor do I feel like figuring it out. I am not writing at The Chronicles for the time being. I may or may not come back. Right now? I don't care.
I have really appreciated what they've had to say too. : / They have impacted my view of open adoption tremendously, and I'm sure I am benefitting in my relationship with my youngest daughter's first mom as a result of some of their writings. They have helped me think deeply when it wasn't always comfortable. I hope they'll be back.
I will echo the other erin -- me too. I learned a lot from them, although our sons' adoptions were international. I hope it was just that they needed some time off.
I hope they come back. I would like to check them out after this review you did.
We are also adopting, by Christmas! An older child/ren, we are so thrilled and excited!
here from nacomleavmo
I get so upset when blogs i read go private. i understand but it is like missing the last chapter to a great book! NCLM
I hate the Trolls. But I like you! thank you for the sweet comment on my blog. I'm very touched by all the people who are relating to it.
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