I'm making changes in the presentation for the open adoption symposium next week, due to some things going a little topsy-turvy at the last minute. But it will all be fine! That's my current mantra. I do need your help, though.
The presentation is nothing ground-breaking, but it is about something dear to me: how agencies and individuals might use social media to fill in some of the current gaps in the post-adoption education and support that can be so vital to healthy open adoption relationships. The Internet: it's shockingly useful for more than pre-adoptive parent "networking"!
I'm looking for anecdotes to augment the presentation, particularly from first parents but also from anyone. I'd love to have your stories be part of what is shared at the conference. If you're up for answering a few questions from me about your experience (good or bad) finding help and support online in your open adoption, please email me or let me know in the comments. How has the internet influenced your real life adoption?
Thank you!
I'll let you know right here. I'd be HAPPY to answer any questions you'd like answered. As a first momma, I hope I can help with what you need. Feel free to send me an email! (monika.zimmerman@gmail.com)
Not exactly your topic, but we use an instant messaging program to communicate with L's birth family about twice a month. We also use a blog to post photos and updates for them. It is amazing that they can be involved in our day to day lives because of the internet.
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