If any of you parents out there ever get down on yourselves over the fact that anything other than organic-healthy-homemade-from-scratch-grass-fed-fair-trade-local-in-season-Michael-Pollan-approved-Martha-Stewart-photo-spread-worthy foods ever pass your children's lips, I offer you the gift of the picture above. Behold our drawer--yes,
drawer--dedicated to McDonald's Happy Meal toys.
Hey can I buy that pokemon toy from you? Oshwat I think he's called? We missed him (yes, I share your shame) and Liam is distraught!
Hee hee... we're pretty much an anything goes family. This was proven after my FIL gave Theo a toy gun. I just shrugged and hid it a few days later...
@Andy - You can't buy it, but you can certainly have it! Email me with your address.
Eh, a mom's gotta do what a mom's gotta do. We have more than our fair share of crayons from Red Robin...
Hey,I seee you have some we dont! No one will let me throw those damn things out at my house and it drives me crazy! Not only because its proof that my kid is only 10% human, 90% chicken nugget.
I love it. We have a bin of them...
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