July 23, 2010

Assorted Things Internet

  • Did you know I have a veggie blog? Because I totally have a veggie blog. Not just vegetables--it's more of a seasonal produce/recipe sort of thing. Feel free to come tell me what to do with the overwhelming contents of our weekly produce box!

  • Thanks to the very helpful Alyssa, our Open Adoption Bloggers list/roundtable will soon have a Facebook presence. Apparently some people (you know who you are) prefer to do all their talking over there instead of on a blog, so I'm caving. We need your help before it can go live, though. This Facebook group needs a name. Part of the point of setting up shop over there is to bring non-bloggers into the conversation, so the name Open Adoption Bloggers doesn't fit. But what to call it instead? It's important to me that it be broad enough include a wide variety of experiences (so nothing like "We Love Open Adoption"). Any ideas?

  • The Open Adoption Bloggers list has a shiny new web address! Click on OpenAdoptionBloggers.com and see what happens...don't we seem official now? The old (looooooong) address exists, too, so if you have a button on your blog it still works. But now we have something easy to pass on to anyone who wants to check it out.

  • I've also gathered the open adoption roundtable prompts and links to the responses on one page. Hopefully it will be an easy way to browse through the different topics we've discussed in our seventeen rounds.
Don't forget to help us brainstorm a Facebook group name in the comments...


Rachel said...

I probably won't join the facebook group as my blog isn't 'out' but the names that jumped into my head are:

Open Adoption Voices
On Open Adoption
About Open Adoption

Anonymous said...

Open Adoption Experiences

Not particularly imaginative, but straightforward simple...I like Rachel's Open Adoption Voices.

Anonymous said...

Wait, I meant to say my suggestion Open Adoption Experiences wasn't particularly imaginative, not a commentary on Rachel's. I like Open Adoption Voice. I would join a Facebook discussion. Totally out in the world. Perhaps those that are uncomfortable could set up pages for their blogs so they could stay incognito?

Crista said...

I like the voices suggestion, but would turn it around to be Voices of Open Adoption. I was also thinking about The Open Adoption Experience.

Also, I would love to have a discussion (hear opinions) on blogging anonymously versus open. I am trying to figure out which way to go and would love to hear pros and cons from others.

Lori Lavender Luz said...

Open Adoption/Open Minds


Deb said...

The Triad Speaks Out - Open Adoption

Lori said...

Where on earth do you find the time? Your cooking blog is beautiful!

cindy psbm said...

Alternative Families Forum
Does the word 'adoption' really have to be in there??
I mean, in Chapters, the section of books for 'adoption' are actually labelled 'alternative parenting'. Just an idea...

I don't like 'traid' because theres more than three types of roles in adoption...theres a whole range from pre-adoptive to birth-mothers-fathers-grandparents-aunts-uncles-cousins-siblings...even friends of adopted persons, birth family member, or adoptive parents.

All possible view points should be encouraged, that's why I think.

mama2roo said...

How about "Conversations on Open Adoption".

I'm thinking there's already a site called Open adoption Voices? Am I wrong?

Heather said...

@mama2roo - You're right, there is a social networking site called Adoption Voices.

JenJo said...

I like Experiences in Open Adoption. I agree with Cindy that "triad" is too limiting.

I REALLY like Voices in Open Adoption, but since there is already another group/page with a similar name I would stay away from it.

Deb said...

Our Family IS Open Adoption

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