I can't think of a better description of The Double-Daring Book for Girls, Andrea Buchanan and Miriam Peskowitz's follow-up to the very cool The Daring Book for Girls. It is just one big book of fun. Puppy and I have been having a great time paging through the zillion activities, bios of cool women, trivia and quirky lessons (tips on how to pee in the forest, anyone?).
The unstoppable Mel is throwing a book shower in the authors' honor and I jumped at the chance to join in. Since the Daring Books for Girls are all about playing, learning and doing, we've been asked to throw down a challenge to our readers based on a chapter from the book. Something a little more exciting than a typical book review.

To prove to you that even the un-crafty can make them, I photographed one of our dolls in progress. Pay attention, because you'll be making your own later. (Sorry about the quality of the photos--I apparently don't know how to use my camera. Maybe there should have been a chapter in the book about that?)
Now it's your turn! I lucked out and won a copy of The Double-Daring Book for Girls right as the review copy was on its way. So I'm passing one along to you as a prize for this throwdown. Anyone can enter to win by leaving a comment on this post telling me something you would tell your worry doll--that's good for one entry. But everyone who plays along by making their own worry doll and posting a picture on their blog gets TEN entries (don't worry about leaving ten comments--leave one linking to your post and I'll throw your names in a spreadsheet or a hat or something). If you don't have a blog, describe your doll-making fest in a comment.
Here are the actual instructions from the book, in case my stellar how-to above wasn't enough (click to make bigger):
To sum up: Leaving a comment = one entry. Being a daring girl and joining in the fun = ten entries plus the satisfaction of making your very own worry doll. (Comments open until midnight PST on 6/1; winner will be chosen at random; open to U.S./Canadian residents, but if you're in Canada I may politely ask you to kick in a few bucks for postage as this sucker is heavy.) Can't wait to see what you come up with!
Congratulations to winner Brimful Curiosities!
You know, I've lately been a little jealous of these modern girls. We never had such great books growing up. Being an incredible nerd now, I love these but would of reveled in a book like this when I was a child.
I think half of me craves children just so I can openly indulge my childlike zeal for completely nerd-y learning activites.
I so want to try dying my hair with kool-aid!
The Tongginator needs any book with the word "daring" in the title. As to what I would tell my own worry doll? Hmm... please, please, please have the Tongginator's teacher enjoy her next year. Otherwise it's gonna be a LONG year.
I love the little worry dolls, i'm soo gonna make them this weekend. I have lots of worries, do I have to make one for each?
I had hideous kool-aid hair in college!!!!!
I'd tell my worry doll to relax, worrying is just a waste of time(or so I try to convince myself!)
I'd love to contribute to the making of the sorry dolls, but my schedule is too hectic right now. Which is what I would tell my worry doll... that I need to slow down and take each day one at a time.
I don't think I'll be dying my hair with cool aid. Besides the fact that is is jet black, I'm a dude :)
I wonder if I can talk Shelby into it...
Mr. Shelby
I loved making worry dolls! I had forgotten all about them until your post. I used to keep them under my pillow while we were actively TTC with an RE. There was always alot to worry about back then.
This sounds like a good book, I will have to add it to my ever growing pile of books to read.
I would probably tell my worry doll about the 10% pay cuts we all just got to take at my job....that and the weeklong unpaid vacation we just found out about - and how I hope I'll get one of the part time waitressing jobs I just applied for!
Now, I just have to MAKE the worry doll - then at least I might not have to worry about saving the dough to buy this awesome book! ;)
I'll be back with a link soon!!!
I love the worry dolls and must begin immediately. How lovely that they happily worry for us! Truly amazing.
Love the worry dolls! I could so use someone to worry at night for me!! :)
I had worry dolls when I was younger. They were all the rage where I grew up.
I would tell my worry doll about my unhappiness at my job.
That whole series of books is fabulous! there's even a pocket sized version available... And, hey, every girl needs to know how to pee in the woods!
What a cute project!
And thanks for the comment...we are so excited bring home our first baby via open adoption!
This is a good one!
I, too, was tempted to do the hair-dying with kool-aid, but chose something else instead (post coming soon, I hope).
Do you feel lighter, with the Worry Doll carrying your troubles?
You look pretty crafty to me, Heather!
I love your worry doll! Since I have a sick 5 year old at home today, maybe I'll make one. I'll come back and let ya know if I did. Since my sick 5 year old is a boy, I'm sure the doll will be shootin down monsters and bad guys during the day and doing all our worrying at night ;o)
How cool! I had a small box of 6 worry dolls when I was a child. LOVED them.
Great craft idea! :)
Oh, I've so got to make some of those! Absolutely fantastic!
I'd tell mine how worried I am about my husband due to his recent medical tests...dx with diabetes and an enlarged heart. Echocardiogram scheduled for Wednesday. :(
Will come back with link when I make some.
Thanks for the ideas!
How fun! My daughter would love this book.
I love the worry doll. I will have to make one. The one thing I would tell my worry doll would be about money and somehow we will be okay.
I always wished my hair was light enough to try the Kool-Aid. Maybe my daughter will give it a shot. Thanks for entering me.
carolsnotebook at yahoo dot com
What a cool book! Awesome and cretive ways for girls to express themselves.
I worry mostly about my children. The book looks like so much fun, especially great read for the summer. Thanks.
I bought the daring book for boys for my dad, brother, brother-in-law and fiancee and they all loved them :)
I LOVE the idea of a girls book and am going to try the worry dolls with my niece this weekend (no kool-aid hair for me!) :)
This book looks like so much fun!
heatheranne99 at hotmail dot com
If I was more adventurous I would try the Kool Aid! How fun!
I used to have worry dolls AND I have dies my hair with Kool Aid (my mom freaked!)I guess I would tell my worry dolls about how I Need a Job!!
throuthehaze at gmail dot com
I'd tell my worry doll all about how annoying it is to try to sell my house...let her worry about contracts and counter offers and closing costs for awhile.
yeloechikee at hotmail dot com
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