February 11, 2009

All the Cool Kids Are Doing It

Opening the floor to questions, that is.

It's been while since I've done this. And there has been a little burst of new readers here recently (yay! welcome!).

So! Is there anything you'd like to see me write about? Anything you're wondering, big or small? Ask away...


Anonymous said...

ooh, yes! but this is a heavy topic . . . how do you think you would handle an open adoption with a birth parent who has drug or mental health problems?

we're struggling with this issue and not wanting to cut ties but feeling like we must for safety concerns. I would love to hear other people's thoughts. it's hard to discuss openly because it is so private.

(posting anonymously due to the sensitive nature of this issue.)

Anonymous said...

I was wondering if the idea to adopt was solely one spouse or the other for your home. In our house, I desperately want more, but dh is not sure so I wondered if other couples go through this (or have gone) and how do they overcome it? In other words, how do I convince my dh? ;)

melissa said...

was the meeting like when you met Firefly's birthmom? What kind of questions were asked, how did you feel etc.

And how do you talk about adoption with your kids, any book suggestions or cute stories

Anonymous said...

Have you ever felt slighted when dealing with mothers who had biological children? We were wondering if sometimes adoptive moms might be looked down upon a bit because they didn't experience their own pregnancy.

a Tonggu Momma said...

When did you feel yourself starting to bond with Firefly? And what was your attachment process like?

Anonymous said...

Are either you or your husband stay-home parents, or do you both work outside the home?

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