This is my freezer after our visit with Ms B yesterday:

That's breast milk for Firefly. Everything you see (well, aside from the peas). Enough for multiple feedings a day. Ms B has been pumping since she got home from the hospital because she "just want[s] what's best for her."
Don't ever think for a second that my daughter was unwanted. The pregnancy was unwanted. But not her. Never her.
Oh lucky Firefly! What a truly spectacular gift! And that's wonderful that she'll get to know about it someday, too. (Madison is kinda obsessed with breastmilk because all the babies in our world are breastfed.)
Wonderful, wonderful!!! Our younger son is still very interested in the fact that his first mom fed him breast milk. He asks "why?" and I tell him it's because she loved him and wanted him to be strong and healthy. The look of happy satisfaction on his face is something I hope he retains whenever he thinks about her. Your Firefly will know Ms. B loved her very, very much.
Wow, that is awesome!
I am in awe. :-)
Do you know how long Ms B will keep pumping? What a wonderful gift, and wonderful thing to tell Firefly about in the coming years!
That is love.
YAY for Ms B! I know this takes strength. It's hard to get up at night and pump for a baby not not with you. I wish her much more strength!
Firefly is truley getting the best.
And how great you won't need to buy formula! :)
Just to warn you...when PooWee was at J&P's and I was pumping. I ended up getting 20 ounces every 2hrs.
When PooWee came home, my mom bought me a big deep freezer because there was 5 grocery bags full of breastmilk to store!!!
If Ms B continues for sometime, you may want to think about more storage room. :)
That picture brings tears to my eyes. I think that both of Firefly's moms are amazing, strong, loving women.
Wow! Awesome!
That is wonderful and truly shows how much Ms. B cares about Firefly. That is not an easy thing to do for a baby that isn't with you. Literally brought tears to my eyes.
Firefly is so lucky to have so many wonderful parents that love her.
It is wonderful indeed. Firefly is so loved.
wow! how wonderful for firefly and for you all. what a truly loving gift-
Wow what a wonderful gift! I love what erin said about her son and the breast feeding. I hope this can give firefly proff against society that MrB loved and cared for her and that she was indeed wanted.
oh man....this and the last post just has me in tears. The love....the love.....sigh...
As a birth mother and a current breastfeeding mother, well, that makes me all weepy inside. Never unwanted. SO very true.
I might pass this post on.
This picture is so touching.
Wow. That's awesome : )
This is wonderful :)
I am wondering how you and Ms. B thought of/decided to do this. Did she offer or did you ask if she would be willing?
I am just curious because this is an option I never even thought of.
Since A. was in the NICU for a while I know how much effort it takes to accomplish this. What a wonderful, wonderful thing for Ms B. to do.
Yay for Ms. B! That is so cool!
I spy 2 wonderful moms.
The sight of a freezer full of breastmilk makes me smile. :-)
What a lucky girl you have. Her birth mother loved her enough to give her up, and then pumped milk for her? Wow. That is just awesome.
Congrats on the addition to your family!
what a simple sweet story... that little girl is lucky to have 2 wonderful mommies...
I'm in search of a post for today's Blogger Bingo category and for a minute, I thought this might be it because my head transposed to category to "a post that made you cry" (which this did), instead of "a post that made you sad" (which this didn't). So, I'm not using this for my square but I still wanted to leave you a comment to let you know how deeply this post touched me, over a year and half after you wrote it.
I recently stopped breastfeeding my son and it was a challenge every single day of the seven months I did it. I know what Ms. B went through to provide that gift. The thought of her spending hours with the pump in order to provide what she feels is best for the little girl you both love so dearly brought tears to my eyes. She sounds like an amazing woman.
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