Baby B was born late Friday night by C-section after a long, frustrating and ultimately unproductive labor. She has a head full of dark curls and a champion sucking reflex. She looks like a baby version of Ms B; she's lovely.
T would like you to know she scored a 9 on her Apgars, because he's competitive like that.
Mama B is recovering slowly. Thank you so much for the good wishes left on her behalf. It's been a rough couple of days. She is looking forward to some quality snuggling and feeding time once she emerges from her post-delivery fog.
T and I are sleepy and happy. We're enjoying the hospitality of another adoptive family at our agency who opens their home to folks who come through town for this sort of thing. The hospital staff have been incredibly respectful both of Ms B's place as mama and our presence as potential adoptive parents. I can tell that we are guarding our hearts, as they say, to a certain degree but are ready to fall in love.
I'm so glad to read this! I've been checking all day to see if there was an update!
So glad to hear that baby girl was born healthy and beautiful!
Congrats to Mama B and your family!
Wonderful that Baby B has made her healthy and "top notch" arrival :)
Keep us posted and know that I will be keeping your family, Mama B and her family in my prayers!
So glad to hear that she is healthy and fabulous! You will all remain in my prayers!!!
The bebe sounds beautiful. She and Mama B and you and yours will all be in my thoughts and prayers in the coming days.
So pleased to hear that everyone is so well, especially after such a difficult labor.
I'll be thinking of all of you.
It's so weird to be so happy and so sad at the same time. I wish you ALL a good transition into whatever roles are about to emerge. Hugs to you all.
I am so glad that baby B and her mama are doing well and I hope that you are going to be able to fall in love really soon.
Praying for all of you. So glad that Miss Baby is here safe and sound!
oh I have chills....I am so thrilled that baby B is born and healthy.
I am continuing to hope and pray for peace in whatever happens.
Welcome to the world, Baby B! I am keeping her, Ms. B., and your family in my thoughts and prayers. Peace be with all of you.
Congratulations Mama B and Welcome Baby B!!! God Bless you all.
Congrats to bout Mama B and your family. I am glad to hear baby is a healthy little girl.
Glad to hear both baby and birthmom are good. Those first few days always feel like you're holding your breath. Keeping everyone in our prayers!
So happy to hear that she arrived safely and that everyone is doing well. Take care!
Congratulations to all of you! You’re in my prayers as well.
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