April 05, 2012

My Bloggy Baby

Do you know how excited I am about this?

So stinkin' excited.

Before the actual baby showed up unexpectedly, this was my baby of the moment. The Open Adoption Bloggers projects were feeling a bit squished into my blog and hard to navigate. I'm not a designer of any sort, so the look of it isn't anything to write home about. But look at the menu bar! Such lovely organization. Roundtables, blogroll, interviews, "best of" honorees--all a quick click away. I'm hoping to have it all up and running this weekend (fingers crossed, knock on wood, pinch of salt over the shoulder).

If you have an OAB button or link to the blogroll on your blog, one thing you can do to help is to make sure it links to www.openadoptionbloggers.com and not www.productionnotreproduction.com. The code looks something like this, depending on which button you have:
<a href="http://www.openadoptionbloggers.com/" title="Open Adoption Blogs"><img alt="Open Adoption Blogs" border="0" src="http://i305.photobucket.com/albums/nn230/heatherpnr/OA_blogroll_v1GREEN.png" title="Open Adoption Blogs" /></a>
Look at the bit marked in red and if it says http://www.productionnotreproduction.com/p/open-adoption-blogs.html or http://www.productionnotreproduction.com/2000/01/open-adoption-blogs.html, please change it to http://www.openadoptionbloggers.com. Right now that still sends people to the blogroll page on my blog, but soon it will send people to the new site. If you need any help, please just let me know.

The other things moving OAB to its own site does is open up lots of opportunities to feature your writing. I have some great guest posts and book reviews lined up, and there is unlimited room for more. If you're interested in contributing to the site, let me know and I'll send you more details.

Wish me luck on getting this rolled out--I am not a techie!


Lori Lavender Luz said...

Wooooot! I'll have another few places I should update the link. Let me know when it's live!

Monika said...

Hooray...and good luck! :)

luna said...

very exciting! looks very cool. good work! (how do you have time for any of this now, with a new baby?) tell us when it's live and when we should change the links.

Anonymous said...

Seriously, so exciting!
I think it made me squeal a little, which this week is a true feat.

Thank you for your incredible work!

Other Mother said...

I'm excited about this too!! You are awesome!

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