October 23, 2011

Announcements (+ a Giveaway)

  • If you live anywhere near Ohio, I'm jealous that you live close enough to go to this event on November 13 with Brenda Romanchik marking the one-year anniversary of the Ohio Birthparent Group. The morning session is exclusively for birthparents and the afternoon is open to absolutely anyone. Ms. Romanchik is an open adoption advocate and pioneer (and author of those booklets Beth found so helpful during her pre-placement decision process). She is totally on my short list of folks I would love to hear speak in person. Of course it might be for the best that we live too far away to attend; Todd would probably end up rapping for her, too. But you shouldn't miss it!
    Adoption Bloggers Interview Project 2011
  • There is a new, crisp button option for the Adoption Bloggers Interview Project. You're welcome to swap yours out; code is here. Many thanks to Becca and her design skills for saving me from my graphic ineptitude.
  • Registration for the Interview Project closes on Friday. So hop on it if you haven't already! We're at 79 registrants as I write this.
  • We have lots of domestic (newborn) adoption bloggers from various corners of the internet signed up. I'd love to rope in some more international adoption and foster care bloggers. Remember, it's not just for open adoption bloggers this year! It's all about making connections with bloggers you might not normally read.

    So this week please spread the word about the Interview Project, especially among bloggers who might not have heard about it yet. Write about it on your blog or in forums you frequent. Share a link on Facebook/Twitter/Google+. Leave a comment on a friend's blog inviting them to participate.

    To sweeten the pot, I'm giving away a $25 Target gift card to someone who helps share the Project love. Leave a separate comment on this post with a link to your blog post/tweet/forum post/etc. pointing folks to the project. Leave as many comments as you'd like, as long as each one links to something different. Anything you've done to share since the project launched on October 12 is fine to enter, too. Giveaway closes on the 28th when registration ends; I will choose a comment at random by November 2. Further necessary but boring giveaway blather here.


meghann said...

Doing my part to spread the word... http://www.bflomama.com/2011/10/24/calling-all-adoption-bloggers/


Lori Lavender Luz said...


Can't wait to see who my partner is.

Becca Fletcher said...


Becca Fletcher said...


(not sure if you can see my FB posts... but I actually tagged OAB in this one.)

Becca Fletcher said...

Blog post: http://beccablogs.com/1988

Becca Fletcher said...

Another FB post: http://www.facebook.com/fletcher.becca/posts/188182431257913

Becca Fletcher said...

More FB (Yes, I post a lot on there!) http://www.facebook.com/fletcher.becca/posts/10101393772700151

Becca Fletcher said...

Google+ https://plus.google.com/u/0/108217548336860584284/posts/TmEc2yniDKo

Anonymous said...

Spreading the word in Australia and just about to sign up myself.


Mama C/Catherine said...

I posted a link on my MamaC page on FB, and posted the graphic on the blog. And signed up ;0

Kate Hlava said...

I posted on twitter http://twitter.com/#!/thrvngdespiteus

Kate Hlava said...

I put the badge on my blog http://thrivingdespiteus.blogspot.com

Kate Hlava said...

and lastly I posted on FB. https://www.facebook.com/ThrivingDespiteUs

Can't wait to take part in this! Kate

Goodies for Mom said...

Here's the link on my blog: http://makingourfamilycomplete.blogspot.com/2011/10/adoption-bloggers-interview-project.html. I'll work on more links later :)

Monika said...

And here's mine: http://musingmonika.blogspot.com/2011/10/adoption-bloggers-interview-project.html

I'm so excited! :)

Megan said...

Here's mine.

Thanksgivingmom said...

Spreading the word, one lazy blogger at a time ;) http://ishouldreallybeworking.com/2011/10/24/welcome-back-mrs/

Thanks for giving me something to re-energize my writing!

Little Blessings said...

Here is my post about the interview project on my personal facebook page:

Little Blessings said...

Here is a plug for the Interview Project on our Adoption Facebook page.

Little Blessings said...

I posted about the interview project on our agency's facebook page (Independent Adoption Center). Here is the link:


Little Blessings said...

Finally, I have the badge posted on my adoption blog.


Jenn said...

Here's mine!


Kelly said...

Here's my post about the OAIP!


Kelly said...
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Kelly said...
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Kelly said...
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Kelly said...

Here's the link to my post in my local adoptive families group:


Kelly said...

Here's a link to my post in another local adoptive families group:


Kelly said...

Here's my post in the Orlando Adoption Network page:


Lavonne said...

i'm hesitant to join in this time around since i've been away from the blogging world for awhile. but decided what the heck....time to jump right back in and continue my story!

BumbersBumblings said...


Claudia said...

Just shared it on FB!

Deborah said...


Unknown said...

Hello everyone. I am Muzik from "The Not So Secret Life of an Adoptee". I posted on Twitter www.twitter.com/iamadopted

Unknown said...

Just shared on my facebook



Mama C/Catherine said...

A last minute post! http://wp.me/pL4b9-1xA

Lindsey from The R House said...

Posted on FB!


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