February 14, 2011


A lovely editor from Adoptive Families magazine emailed me last week with the news they that they're including this here blog in their first-ever list of twenty top adoption blogs. Wow, right? I'm hugely honored to be included. The whole list will be published in the upcoming March/April issue. Many, many thanks to AF!

I don't know anything about how the list will be presented, but I'm crossing my fingers that it mentions all of you Open Adoption Bloggers. By the by, I am making a mess of that page lately trying to give its own look. (Click the link to see, if you dare. It's pathetic, I know.) I have to work within the confines of my blog template, so there's only so much I can do, but truthfully my nonexistent coding and graphic design skills are the true limiting factors. So I'm in that frustrating place of knowing it could look better, but that I don't know how to make it look better. Meanwhile my fiddling has (a) made my blog look goofy on Internet Explorer and (b) thrown my template columns out of alignment, which is driving me batty.

If that last bit made your eyes glaze over, just ignore it. Heavens knows I want to ignore it at this point. Would that I had the talent or the money to make it stunning.

What well-intentioned project have you made a mess of lately?


sara said...

I'm so excited for you!! I hope one day to have that kind of respect from my fellow adoption bloggers.

JC said...

Congratulations! I love that magazine, and am so glad they know what I do: you rock! :)

Julia said...

What an honor--congrats! I'm excited to see that you are sharing positive experiences of having open adoptions with your children. My younger sister has relinquished two daughters, and has a relationship with each of them through the gift of open adoption. Some frown on it, but it has been incredibly healing to her and to my family. Blessings.

It is what it is said...

Wow, big congrats! Can't wait to see the article.

As to the OA Bloggers site, you can only do what you can do and working with blog templates is tricky when it's not your line of work. I think in addition to the format, it's a lot to keep the blog roll up to date (with blogs no longer active, etc).

I'm thinking of going to BlogHer so perhaps we'll meet :)

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